Friday, June 22, 2007

I am....

I am the silence you heard in the deep night...
I am the song you wanna wake up to..
I am the bird that knocked at your door..
I am the nobody you wanna ignore..
I am the somebody you cant forget..
I am the freedom you dreamt about..
I shatter all blocks you built..
I am the dream you wanna dream..
I am the dream you wanna hide..
I am the feather you left lying on the floor while running after time..
I am the tomorrows you wish to possess but dare not to acquire…
I am the question without answers..
I am the answer with no questions..
I am the mirror that laughs at you..I
am that which grips you by your wrist in loneliness..
I am that faint fragrance in the air you cant get enough of...
I am that earworm that you keep humming all day...
I am that whiff of life you have been looking for, all life...

1 comment:

Material Girl said...

Never thought u capable of in depth contemplative thinking..