Friday, June 22, 2007

In love for ever

I normally check signatures in every mail I get... I love the fact that someone picks a line that goes with every mail one sends. Sometimes, a signature can hit you on the spot! It would actually be in line with your thoughts... Take this one, for example...

"A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person - Germaine Greer "

Now, this signature came to my attention while I was thinking about love& relationship. And this is after a very interesting conversation with a friend last night. He said he won't fall in love, thanks to the experience he had. And I said, in spite of experience before now, I am still capable of love...
After that, I was thinking about how a relationship is built and sustained. And why some of us fail to do that...Now, we are looking at a relationship for life... And time can do wonders to you and your personality and preferences... just a scary thought... Isn't it possible that the intensity of love could come down with time, and hence the relationship weaken??? I was thinking of ways people stay married, as a couple for years... They need to constantly reinvent themselves and the relationship. They need to struggle together to take themselves to the next peak in the relationship. They need to create and maintain a freshness/newness in the relationship. They need to forget and forgive. They make compromises. They need to let go... Easier said than done!Do all these thoughts cause pre wedding jitters in most people??? I wonder... It is such a huge decision to spend the rest of your life with someone, and I for one am scared. I am so nervous, I feel my heart's gonna stop soon. .. How do you decide on who it is gonna be???How do you know for certain????

Most of my friends and I am at a stage in life where we are close to deciding on that. A lot of us tried to find that "someone special" . A few of us were lucky ( God bless them!) and the rest of us are learning to lick our wounds and move on. We are folks who learn the lesson the hard way... We came out hurt, sad, heart broken, and any other cliches one can think of... But we survived. And thats what matters... Now, we are careful, more thoughtful and we are trying to avoid mistakes made once, and we are learning to fall in love... Again and Again, with the one single soul, who makes the difference...

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