Friday, June 22, 2007

To all my friends.

I wrote this on August 13, 2006

I was checking my e-mail. This is what I found :

"Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love." --Jane Austen

This, after my latest hardship. And when my buddies are nurturing me through incredibly difficult times...

I love my friends. They make life so liveable. Be it picking a fight, arguing endlessly, sharing a
cup of coffee,late night talks, endless and meaningless IM's, being silly, comforting each other,
crying, shopping, movies,match making, bitching about a non existent love life... What would it be without these folks? These are people you know you can call up at 2 am to ask " dude, do you know where I put my camera? " , get a mumbled, nonsensical response and be able to comprehend what was just said! You finish each others sentences, you read each others mind...
Can there ever be a relationship better than this?

Today I spent some lovely time with a couple of friends. We went to the beach, talked, kept the silence, argued, teased, laughed, smiled, took pictures, consoled each other, made plans for tomoro,said goodbyes with a heavyheart... I know that they will be there tomoro.
I dont have to go plucking petals off a poor flower doin " They will be there... They will be not..." Incredible people. My friends. Love them. Cant stop thanking my stars for these folks.
The next time you have a difference of opinion with a friend, remember: Similarities create friendship's while differences hold them together.

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